Thursday, April 18, 2013

Friend, Foe or just a Fucking Freeloader

It's pretty immature of me to think of people this way. I'm not perfect, I know. But I too have a brain that can perfectly function. Why don't I give my own definition of the words from my title.

FRIEND - it's someone, close or not, who you can talk to. About anything. not feeling awkward. Feeling comfortable around them. My issue about this is that, I doubt that I have any. Well, I have one. I think. I can tal to her, and she even told me herself that I was her best friend. that she feels comfortable talking to me and that I'm a good listener. But I'm afraid that she's not one to trust. I mean she can completely trust me. I'm fine with her secrets and whaever insecurities or worries she has in life. But I'm not really sure if I trust her enough to keep mine.

FOE - well, it'some one who's treacherous. I'm not talking about the same girl.maybe other two girls. We're friends. (i think) but the thing is They are my friends,but am I their friend?

FREELOADER - someone who's only friends with you because of who you are, what you have or what you are capable of. Just there when she needs you, maybe there when you need a little favor like givingyou company whileyou eat your lunch. you know just to hide the act.

You? who do you think you are from these? I'm not one to judge. 'cause maybe. just maybe I'm all three. (I'm not really sure of the free loader -- maybe not to my friends)

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